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     We’ve always been fascinated by business owners. Being in the consulting industry as long as I have, you get to spend a lot of time chatting with dealership owners. And so many of them have great stories to tell about how they came to own their own business. They always seem to look back on “the lean times” with a certain sense of accomplishment. You could almost feel their pride in having lived through those tough times and the sense of accomplishment of having built a business despite the challenges they faced. But at the same time, none of them want to go back there!


​     So after 30 years in Fixed Operations (both in-store and consulting) and a whole bunch of good advice from dealership owners, we decided to form our own consulting company. Our first task, like all new businesses was to pick a name. And for that, I turned to my wife Denise and our Godson, Paul Delorenzo (a successful business owner himself) They are two of the most creative people I know and I was sure they would come up with a great concept. We spent some time thinking about it and decided that the phone number we had…(570) 455-2277 spelled out CARS! All we needed was to figure out what that was an acronym for. And after a short while, we settled on Consulting Automotive Resource Specialists, Inc.


​     Once we had that part down, the rest came easy! A trip to the accountant and the lawyer and on October 26, 2017 we officially became a Pennsylvania based corporation. While we began building a book of business, we also went to work on what we can give back to the industry we love so much. This website one of those ways for us to give back. It is designed to be a source of information to the people who work in this industry that’s been so good to us. Our goal is to fill this with as much free information as possible.  Please feel free to browse around as we will be adding content all the time. Our video section is constantly being updated with training materials and management techniques that you can use today. And we even have a CARS Calculates section to help you with some of the math of fixed operations.


     So that’s the beginning of our story and hopefully years from now it will be a much longer one filled with many success stories of our clients as well as some fun times. But for now, thanks for reading and remember….Purple is the New Black!


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